Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yourself Fitness

I've been using an Xbox aerobics program. It's great because it tailors everything for your personal needs, using your height, weight and various other fitness factors. It's perfect for a stay-at-home mom. Nevertheless. . .

I would have to say that one of the most pleasant moments of my day so far was watching my hoity-toity little Danskin clad aerobics instructor (yes, she's animated, she's still annoying) finish the last five-minutes of my workout all by herself. I enjoyed the sight of all those tricep dips I was supposed to be doing, and the thought of how relaxing it was to lay on my living room floor in my sunbeam. Maybe I have some cat in me somewhere.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. You are doing better than me though. I've got to find something.

everyday graces said...

LOL. I too workout in the comfort of my own home w/Denise Austin, all those FIRM chicks and Tamilee. I would have to say nothing beats chuggin' some water, lying down in the beam of sun in my living room and watching the last 5-10 min while my lil guy is napping!

SunnyBrook said...

Re: the cat in you

Say it ain't so sistah! Too many in this family are allergic for you to become a closeted kitty.

...but for your viewing inspiration, I give you...

...our friendly laprug Noilli