Sunday, January 21, 2007

Too much

I think I'm going to have to cut back on some of my church commitments. I came so close to dropping the ball about eight different times this morning, because I kept remembering things I'd promised to do, and then being late for the other things I was supposed to do. I could list them all, but that would just be depressing. Suffice it to say, our keyboardist came and got me from my pew to play offertory because I didn't see that the other instrumentalists had already gone to the front. (It was during the prayer) That was only a small example.

My problem is, I give off an aura of being responsible. I've always had this problem. People have just assumed I was mature and responsible, and then given me duties and leadership positions. Big mistake. It's just that I fake it so well. I'm really a lazy, disorganized, forgetful, procrastinating bum who can't say, "no" when someone asks me to serve on a committee, organize a Bible Study, teach Sunday School, play drums, sing, find nursery workers, plan a ladies' game night etc. etc. etc.

I hate letting people down, and I hate saying I won't do something when I know that it needs to be done, but I think I'm just going to have to let something go. That's quite an acknowledgement from a former preacher's kid.


Anonymous said...

just say no......

.... I didn't learn it until AFTER I had Little King

bluemountainmama said...

i came to that realization a couple of years ago in my church, too...i loved my church and it's vision and wanted to help out as much as possible.....but i ended up getting burned out. i've learned it's okay to say "no" and just chose to participate in a couple of things that i enjoyed and felt called to most. then it became enjoyable again....

Johanna said...

Like a sponge that's been rung out. That's how we feel. So we're taking some time to get soaked and then we'll jump in again.

Janeva said...

You know, you are not a former preacher's kid--you still are a preacher's kid. That will never change. :-)

Carina said...

True, but I'm no longer involved in the day to day management and care of the flock. I am one of the flock now. You know it's different. =)