My children had a very messy weekend.
Saturday lunch was spaghetti, which I should really know better than to serve to my little animals. Mim approaches spaghetti (and everything else, really) like a lion in the pridelands with a feisty antelope. It's frightening. After that lunch Daddy just plopped then in the sink. We don't usually do that, so they thought it was about the coolest game ever.
Saturday afternoon, after several hours of playing out at Grandma's farm, in the sandbox and probably the garden, we went on a walk to the creek and they picked fresh mulberries with Daddy. Then, yesterday at Great-Grandma's farm, they picked (and demolished I hope I need not add) many more mulberries and some sour cherries from her trees. Their feet looked like they had been mashing grapes in some toddler winery. (Someone was kind to mommy and took their shoes off when they started turning purple.)
Then to cousin J's house in the evening, where we had a cookout and they jumped on the trampoline, dug in the sandbox, fought over toys and carried gravel from the drive to the Big Wheels John Deere (a toy). When they got home they were covered in dust, juice, ash, dirt and goodness only knows what else. Most importantly they came home exhausted. Is there anything sweeter in the world than healthy, happy, tired toddlers? Not in my experience.
Now they will probably want a "sink bath" every time they eat spaghetti. They will love the picture too...when they get older...much older.
OH, yes, sink bathing and spaghetting will forever be linked now.
I love the finger paint mustache, too.
I'm plugging a wonderful new Christian band, who just happen to mostly be in our church, and my son was just asked to start helping them. They need lots of good ratings to get into a Christian Music Fest!
Yeah!! Thanks for voting for Stasis Dei! My kids are good friends with two of the band members, and Bekah is our pastor's daughter. They are all well-grounded christians.
That's the secret to happy parents. Wear the kids out, give 'em a bath, and they'll sleep like rocks. It's a beautiful thing.
That is a fantastic photo by the way. Lighting, everything. Good job!
Love the photo.
And yes. Sometimes, I thank God that my 4-year old and 1-year old finally feels tired and settles down ... even if it is already 5 minutes after midnight.
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