Sunday, May 03, 2009

And the Peasants Rejoiced

Great news for all of you out there whose second toe is longer than your first:

There is hope! Malformed though you may be, you, too, could wear FiveFingers shoes, because Art bought a pair after all and he really loves them. He says they are very comfortable and he had no adjustment time to them either. It turns out that the long second toe is alright within reason. The website has instructions for measurement.

(You all know I'm kidding about the malformed part, right? Art? Kidding?)


Unknown said...

The long second toe is malformed, hideous, and just plain gross. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. Eww.

Scribbit said...

Okay I'm standing up for us Second Toers here to inform that to have your second toe longer than your first is called "Morton's Foot" and blesses about 20% of the American population. It has through history been considered a physiological manifestation of high intelligence and if you notice the Statue of Liberty has Morton's Foot.

So there.

Pooh to you! :)

And why am I thinking Hobbits when I see that shoe?? Hmmmm . . .

Scribbit said...

And you know I'm kidding too right? :)

Scribbit said...

Well except about that plethora of information I just gave you--that's all true.

aftergrace said...

The jury is still out on these "shoes".

JAM said...

I learned what this was called from Scribbit. I can pick up stuff with my toes, they are so long.

My second toe is way to long for these. Good luck to Art.