Sure it looks cute from the front...
but this... why I wonder at the Divine decision to give me a daughter.
The poor little girl's going to have to learn how to do her own hair by the time she's three, purely out of self-defense.
At least it's now long enough for pig tails etc. It'll help with the craziness, I hope.
she does have very long hair
I'm pretty sure the zig-zag part is considered stylish. I say "pretty sure" because I'm no expert on style of any kind. Don't worry too much. The last thing you want is a prissy little girl who turns into a high-maintenance adult!
And what's wrong with it? It looks like her mom's hair at that age. You came by it honestly, dear.
tina is correct. The zig-zag part is stylish. See, you are a stylin' girl, and you didn't even realize it! :)
I do a purposeful zigzag part so it doens't look like I can't part straight, which I can't.
so cute, the part doesn't even matter!
I like it that way! Not big on the defined slicked back look :) Good job! Such a cute girl!
Michelle :)
I can't do straight either. Style or not lets be honest getting a child to sit still long enough to put their hair up is a task. Of course I keep having to cut V's hair off so she won't chew on it. Her hair won't even go into that semi ponytail of pulling up the sides. It all falls out or it looks dumb.
I'm impressed with Mim's do.
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