Now this is a beautiful picture. Do you know what this is? This is a two-year-old entertaining herself. Did you catch that? Entertaining herself! What beautiful words to a mother's ears. In the past I've said, with foolish optimism, "Why don't you two go play on your own, please." Just recently, though, it's actually started happening. Zaya's always been willing to entertain himself if it could involve video or TV, but Mim is uninterested in either of those things, so it's taken a little longer for Mommy to get five minutes to do all those silly frivolous things like cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene. Now Zaya and Mim will actually go play with each other. It's wonderful. Don't get me wrong; it doesn't happen very often, but it does happen, which gives me glorious hope for the future.
Mim had set up this Little People ark and brought some Little People from her other play sets in to join them. If you want to know what was happening in her little toddler head, as I did, watch the video. Hopefully. I mean, try to watch the video. I've never put a video on before, so I'm not sure whether or not it will work. It's certainly taking a long time to load. Let me know if it doesn't work right.
Cute!!! :)
The video seems to be working just fine.
yup, works great!
Seanie wants to watch it over and over. "That's my next cousin?"
Cute. Isn't a toddler entertaining themselves for a few minutes the most beautiful thing on earth????
Video working great! Oh so adorable. My how the time flies.
She's darling! Video is working well. Now you know I'll be bugging you about how you did this.
I have no idea what happened in the video because I was too mesmerized by the similarity in our voices! LOL Even my husband says you sound like me. Weird. lol. I've actually been trying to upload a video from my new camera, but I can't tell whats on it until I upload it and I got the wrong one and have to start over, and it takes forever and a day to load it.
Oh how cute. LK is spiking up quite an imagination himself!
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