Last week as we were leaving McDonalds, Art had this conversation with Zaya while he buckled him into his carseat.
"Daddy," he said, "the car is taking some of my coolness, and I am taking some of it's warmness."
Art's face lit up. "You're right! In some bizarre way, you're right! You just stated a law of thermodynamics, the conservation of energy by heat transfer! You're going to be an engineer!"
"Daddy, what are ther-mo-dyna-mics?"
"They're overarching principles of physics."
At which point I intervened in the conversation to save the sanity of us all.
I personally feel that Art might be jumping the gun a bit, but if he prefers to think that Zaya got his math and science skills rather than mine, it won't hurt anything. Probably. And who knows?
It just made me laugh. Tre doesn't read blogs but I forwarded this one to him, he'll enjoy it...
Just like Hubby and I both swear at Ladybug's musical talent. It may be wishful thinking, but maybe she is a prodigy!
I just wish the girls had gotten their dad's math skills....
Zaya is one lucky little dude!
Oh, and the shirt is "priceless"
I'm glad you are finally getting a trip alone as a couple. It is a great marriage enhancer, and it is actually good for the kids to have time with grandma and grandpas. One of the things good marriage curriculums teach is that kids are more secure when they know that mom and dad come first to each other.
Grandma says he is priceless too.
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