I'm getting so frustrated with my son's inability to focus. He just runs around the world in his own little cloud, and you practically have to hold him still and put your face right in his to get his attention. And that only has a 50% chance of working.
It's especially annoying when we're in public and another adult is trying to talk to him. He doesn't even hear their question or notice they exist. He's not being rude or rebellious, just totally oblivious. It really makes me angry, and I have to try so hard not to be too harsh on him.
Is this a stage, or a portent of things to come? How do I bring him back to the real world without jolting all his imagination out of him? How do you force a child to focus on his surroundings with positive rather than negative reinforcement?
Alli and Ren went through this stage for awhile. They're excuse was being too shy. Is Zaya shy? Maybe he's just a typical little boy with his mind going in about 100 different directions. Hang in there.
He doesn't have a shy bone in his body, actually. That's Mim.
I think it's just a little boy phase. Andy is like that. Although that could be his ADHD. Sean is like that sometimes and he's normal. Who knows he may do that more when he's in school. I wouldn't worry, he'll probably grow out of it.
He is still young and innocent. Kids that age don't fake social interactions. He probably interacts when he wants to and it is genuine. As he "matures" he will learn to play the rules of society. Don't compare him with other kids his age. They may have more of a personality with more of a need for social interaction so they respond more readily.
That being said, I guess you need to still encourage him to respond when others talk to him but don't be too hard on him (or yourself!)
That has to be difficult. I can't say whether or not it is a phase because Caden is right there with Zaya. Sometimes I feel like Caden is sent here to really try my patience! Just keep your eye on his behavior. Maybe the next time you see the pediatrician you can voice your concerns. They may be able to determine whether it is 'typical' or something that needs deeper looking. Good luck!
sounds perfectly normal to me...well normal for my children anyway. I'd like to say that he will outgrow it, but...well...it does get better I think...unless you are the mother.
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