We got a dryer, in a round-a-bout way, from the local thrift store. You know you're not exactly living among the elite when you up-grade to a Magic Chef dryer. I'm not kidding. That's the brand name. Magic Chef. Above is our old hotpoint, which was becoming more of a warm or burning-rubber-smell point. And here is our new classy Magic Chef dryer, which is drying its first load as we speak. We'll see how it all goes.
More interestingly, here is a picture of my children from the annual costume parade at the nursing home here in town. Mim was a butterfly, and Zaya was a (very flexible) horse. Or, as they called themselves, a blalaly and the horse-boy. Mim is wearing the same wings that the camofly had on in the previous post, and Zaya is wearing the costume we bought at the townwide garage sale.
ooh...aah...I'm always very impressed by new (or new to you) appliances.
It's amazing how much you don't realize how much you use an appliance until it's broken. I confess, I'm one of the appliance dependant.
Magic Chef does not imply dry clothes to me. However, it certainly sounds like something I want at my house. A chef that magically appears and cooks a fabulously delicious dinner!
It's not much different than buying a used car. It's new to y'all, right?
If you hook it up and it works better than the old one, then Magic Chef is a good brand.
Blalaly is a bit hard for a slow-speaking Louisiana boy to say. And I type only marginally better than I speak. I love the names they come up with. My Younger Brother had that kind of imagination as a kid. I sort of did, but was too shy to speak my thoughts aloud at that age.
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