Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Fun in Oklahoma

The kids have spent a glorious few months with family, having fun in western OK before we head back east to our work in Florida. They've loved the time with cousins especially, as we all do, I think. Most of my best friends in life have been my cousins, and Zaya and Mimsy are no different.

With the S Cousins (all but Baby T)
With "Blaze" at the Zoo

The Oldest and the Youngest T Grandkids

 We've been living on Grandma and Grandpa T's yard since we returned in April, and the kids settled in right away. In the picture with the "tent" you can see Nobby the RV on the left and Kline the storage container on the right. Home sweet home.

Making a Tent
Mim is "Tall and Sophisticated"

Learning About Augers from Grandpa T

 We went with Grandma C to Texas, and visited with aunts, uncles and great-grandparents. It was such a short visit, but I couldn't imagine being out here and not seeing all of them at least once. In this picture, Grandpa P made a classic Grandpa P type joke, and the kids are responding appropriately.

Laugh Like G-pa's Joke Was Funny
Tea Party with "Claye" and Grandma "Lilibeth"

 There have been lots of solo adventures as well: playing at the skate park, petting fluffy kittens and jealous dogs at Grandpa's worksite, and just generally being goofy kids.

No, He Doesn't Know What He's Doing
Making Mulberry Jam
Yes, She Does Know What She's Doing
At the Barn Build There are Animals!

 Grandma C took them to the Science Museum in OKC, which might just be their favorite museum of all time. They like it even better than all the Smithsonians. Had I only known, we could've saved a lot of time and money with that week in Washington DC.
Mim Waits for the Giant Toothbrush

Pulley's are Cool

Ok, Mom, We'll Pose if we Have To

 On Memorial Day, we were able to visit the graves of the great-grandparents who are waiting for us in heaven. We picked wildflowers and enjoyed the cool morning. I hope we never lose our connection to family and who we are, no matter how far we travel.

Great-Grandparents B

Great-Grandpa T

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