The kids had fun, but not enough fun to make it worth the distance and cost in meals etc. Here they are posing by the giant buffalo in front. We convinced Mim that she should move to the front of the buffalo and hold onto his nose if she felt like she needed to lean on something for the photo shoot. Let's just say it had the potential to be a much more awkward photo.

Zaya had to look in anything with a lens.

There was a small section for children to "dig" for fossils. Zaya was able to get quite a bit of enjoyment from the activity, but Mim was disappointed in the lack of discovery. The fossils were just right on the surface, and there was very little sand at all in the area. (For which Mommy said, "Thank goodness!")

I have a feeling that Zaya's not the first little boy to run immediately to this pose upon seeing the Mammoth statue. In fact, as we were leaving I saw another one doing the exact same thing.

I have a lot more pictures of Mim because she would say, "Mommy! Take a picture of me here!"

They each chose a stuffed animal. Mim's was a puppet. Zaya wanted a gigantic stuffed dinosaur, but I talked him into a cute little wolf instead. As if either of them needed another stuffed animal. Oh well. This is what happens when Daddy doesn't come along on field trips.