Sunday, January 05, 2014

I Dual-Wield Kleenex

Last night and this morning we had a snowstorm. Our country church is a fair drive for almost all the parishioners, so the services were canceled and we had our own cozy church service here at home instead. I wouldn't want to switch to a permanent family church format, but it made for a lovely, peaceful morning- with our own unique twist.

I played the piano while we sang a few songs, then Mim had a Sunday school class. Art read a passage from the Bible and Zaya said our prayer. Mim's class involved a craft-time that she had prepared.

As usual, Daddy was a bit of an overachiever. I don't think the Bible ever specifies that angels like a little dual-wielding, but maybe he knows something I don't. Also, Zaya chose to take the phrase "make a star ornament" literally. This one (green) is complete with spots, flares and other stellar phenomena.

Art and the kids are planning to go outside to play, despite a high of 14F today and strong winds. I am planning to stay inside, because I am sane. If the house were on fire, I would leave. There isn't much else that would pry me out right now.

I do plan to help the kids make some snow ice cream later when they bring a bowl in, so I will come into contact with the stuff at some point during the day. However my snow ice cream will not include raw eggs. I know, why don't I live a little? I'm sure that handing out Kleenex and doing all the laundry and clean-up required to support this expedition will provide enough excitement for the day.

I have to confess, this is my idea of a great way to spend a snowy Sunday. If you come over this afternoon, you will find me here, by the fire, probably reading a book. This girl knows how to party.